Breaking: LGBTQIA+ To Be Included in 2026 Census!
8 September 2024

After immense public pressure, the Australian Government has announced the 2026 Census will include questions on both sexual orientation and gender identity.

Without accurate data it is impossible to properly understand the needs of our rainbow community. The decision not to include questions about sexual orientation and gender identity would have been a missed opportunity to gather important data about our community that could help shape future policy decisions. We welcome the news the previous decision to exclude these questions has been reversed.

LGBTQIA+ organisations unanimously supported the move to include these questions.

The ASU was proud to lead the campaign for Yes in the 2017 marriage equality plebiscite as part of Unions for Marriage Equality. That campaign made it clear that Australia recognises LGBTQIA+ relationships are equal.

This decision comes following inaction on the religious discrimination bill that would protect LGBTQIA+ children and workers in religious institutions, and the NSW Equality Bill, which would close loopholes across the board that have allowed the discrimination against members of the LGBTQIA+ community. If the Labor Party truly believes that LGBTQIA+ people need protecting, we suggest they start there.

We pay tribute to the ASU members who have called, emailed and posted on social media, calling on our Government to support LGBTQIA+ people.



Pride in Your Workplace

Did you catch our online webinar Pride in Your Workplace last year? 
With special guests from ACON, Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) and Positive Life NSW, in this webinar we hear from community LGBTQIA+ activists on their priority issues and how we can work together for real change.
Watch here.

ASU Pride Pack

Want to share your pride at work? We've got posters, postcards and lanyards!

Click here to register for your pack today.


I'm particularly proud to be part of the union that won 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave for 11 million workers - it's a win that really encapsulates what the ASU is about.
Emma ASU member